domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

* Evaluations

-Test                   18%
   -Lab                    18%
      -Clasroom           13%
         -Blog and Hw      18%
            -Participacion       15%
               -Projects              18%

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Academic Contract..!*

* Pactice

* Participation

* Pay atention

* Effort

* Do Homerwork

* Clear up Doubts

* Try to do the task

* Discipline

* Listen to english music

* Watch videos/movies

* Come to class every day

Expectation....... 80%

* Speaking     
          - Fluentcy
          - Pronuntiation
          - Vocabulary

* Reading Comprehension
* Listening Comprehension

* Writing
           - Vocabulary
           - Spelling
           - Puntuation

Social Contract ::: Classroom Environmet

* Honest
* Respectful
* Responsible
* Friendly
* Strict
* Patient
* Nice
* Enthusiastic
* Dynamic
* Puntual
* Comprehesive
* Tolerant
* Accesible
* Say whel helshe is going to be absent
* Clean
* Happy
* Organized

                                                                                         I  Agree:*